Joseph’s Herbal Blog

Eczema, Dry Skin & Kids
Skin problems are a drag for children and their parents, no doubt about that. At a rough estimate, half of my paediatric practice is concerned with skin problems, and the largest part of that is eczema. So, let’s talk eczema and its less annoying sibling, dry skin.

Immunity Boosting Herbs for Children
How do I know a child’s immune system needs some help? There are a few things to look for. While all children get sick sometimes, if any or all of the following persist, a little immune help will certainly not go amiss.

Getting Fit
Getting and staying fit is a laudable goal, but there are many pitfalls along the way. With my little one moving from toddlerhood into childhood, I have a bit more time to think about losing the dad bod I’ve acquired over the last couple of years. Here are a few things helping me along my way; hopefully they will help you along yours.

Natural Remedies for Prostatitis
The prostate is an important structure sure of the male reproductive system, responsible to for producing about 30% of the seminal fluid so that the sperm start their journeys in a nourishing and protective environment. The walnut-sized gland sits at the base of the bladder, and the urethra, the tube which carries urine and semen out of the body through the penis, passes through it.

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is rather an epidemic in the western world, affecting more than a quarter of adults in the UK. Rates rise steeply above the fifty-year mark, and men are somewhat more prone than women. Generally hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, causes no symptoms, but over the long haul it can damage the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, and blood vessels.

Natural Remedies for the Prostate
Men: we’re half the population. Outdated hidebound ideas about men and masculinity prevent us from seeking help with mental and emotional problems, keeping male suicide rates shockingly high. Being human is tough, and being a male human comes with its own unique challenges.

Keep Calm & Drink Tea
We are living in anxious times - politically, socially, environmentally, climatically. Frightening upsetting things are happening all over the world, and it is getting to people. The anxiety of our age seeps in, making a person irritable, nervous, and restless. Difficulty sleeping as also very common. But, there are herbs to help even with our Interesting Times.

What Have I Got?
A doctor’s daughter, living on the continent during the war, had been given the task of gathering wild herbs, the only available medicines at the time. It had, through early necessity, become her habit to scout out what plants were on hand wherever she was, and to see what she had got. She could never relax until she knew what she had on hand.

Molluscum Contagiosum (Water Warts)
Things in the clinic come in cycles. Recently, Molluscum Contagiosum has been the headliner, with children from 5 to 11 coming along in recent weeks complaining of the dread Water Warts.

Herbs for Healthy Teeth and Gums
The ailment du jour in the clinic seems to be mouth and gum problems. There is usually a popular ailment at any given time; sometimes it's eczema, chest colds, or Molluscum. Recently, it's been mouth problems. Most common mouth problems - ulcers, chronic thrush, tooth decay and gum disease - can be due to a poor diet, high in refined sugar and low in minerals and vitamins, particularly in childhood.